Pay Per Player Are The Way To Go For Frustrated Local Bookies
Old time bookmakers have finally seen the light and are moving in droves offshore to pay per player services. Being a local US bookie and trying to operate a bookie business from within the United States just really isn’t worth the hassle anymore. Thanks to these offshore bookie services the old time bookmakers can now operate their local bookie businesses through these turnkey pay per player services and in turn be safer and more profitable than ever before!
Most of these pay per player bookie services are located offshore in exotic locations like Costa Rica, Panama, and Curacao. Each of these offshore locations has one thing in common and that is their government’s friendly stance towards online gaming and offshore bookie services. The best pay per player services will provide bookies with the best bookie software available. This bookie software includes a sportsbook application, a horsracing application, as well as an online casino application. These player friendly betting applications afford offshore bookies the ability to offer their bettors almost limitless wagering opportunities to keep them in action.
With the pay per player sportsbook betting application offshore bookies can take their players wagers online or over the telephone as well as via any smart phone or internet friendly device. The sports bookie has complete control over exactly what types of sports wagering options that their players are able to place wagers on. Bookies can also adjust their players overall wagering limits, betting odds and the maximum payouts!
The pay per player user friendly horse racing application gives bookies the option to offer their bettors the options to place horse racing wagers from a wide variety of horse racing tracks worldwide. Bookies once again have complete control over what tracks their bettors will be able to place wagers at and control the wagering option, wagering limits and payoffs!
The pay per head online casino application affords bookies the ability to offer their casino players an abundance of Las Vegas Style casino games 24/7/365. Bookies have complete control over the online casino and their player’s limits and the overall payoffs!
So if you’re a frustrated local bookie who is looking for a chance of pace pay per player turnkey bookies services might be just what you’re looking for!