Bookie Biz: Making the Case for Online Casinos
Pay Per Head services are one of the best things to happen to the gambling world in a long time. While for years, many gamblers have only really been interested in and had access to sports betting, Pay Per Head Services open them up to a whole new world of possibilities. With PPH services, gamblers can place bets on just about anything. Politics, awards shows, and even reality television are all fair game for placing wagers. Plus, the very best PPH services even give their clients access to Las Vegas style online casinos, where they can spend hours playing their favorite casino games and trying to win the big bucks, right from the comfort and security of their own homes.
Online casinos are the ultimate compliment to any good bookmaking operation. The fact is that few players will actually end up walking away with any kind of big win-fall. Casino odds are determined by highly sophisticated random number generating software programs. The advancements that have been made over the years to online casino software mean that the bookie can control all aspects of their player activity while offering a source of gambling entertainment that is realistic and fun. The games are designed to encourage spontaneous and repetitive play which makes it difficult for players to simply stop betting after winning some money.
Most casino software is set to pay out standard land based casino odds which are 98%, or in other words, a typical session will result in a loss of 2% of the money put in. This payout percentage can vary greatly depending on the playing style and any limits or restrictions administered by the bookie. One of the greatest benefits that pay per head services offer bookmakers is user friendly casino software that doesn’t require them to know the rules of every game to make money on it. Bookies can confidently allow their players to gamble their excess balance on roulette, black jack, slot machines and video poker without worrying about getting taken to the cleaners.
Bookmakers who offer their players quality online casino software to enhance the player gaming experience beyond just sports will attract more business and make more money than bookies that don’t.