Archive for July, 2012

Why Using Price per Head Services are a Bookie’s Best Bet
0Price per head bookmaking is the smart way for modern bookies to do business. That’s because there are many price per head advantages, and running a sportsbook is so much easier with these advantages working for you. Let’s look at the simple stuff first, like the fact that you don’t have to keep More >

Switching to a Price per Head Service Can Increase a Bookie’s Hold Percentage
0Many people, especially those who are considering going into the bookmaking business, wonder how bookies make money. Well, it’s really just a matter of some fairly simple bookmaking mathematics. Knowing how things work, however, can be helpful, especially for the beginning bookie. That’s because More >

Pay per Head Bookies Looking Forward to Big NFL Season
0Well, believe it or not, it’s that time again! A new NFL season is coming increasingly closer. It’s not just the fans who are excited either. No, NFL betting time is an exciting time for bookies as well. While just about any sport can be lucrative for a serious bookie, football is probably the More >

Broncos Big Futures Favorites As Oddsmakers Put Stock in Peyton Manning
0NFL fans are incredibly excited about the fact that Peyton Manning has joined up with the Broncos. They feel like this season is going to be a huge one, and that Manning will bring the team to success like it has never known before. Because of this, people are already placing their bets on the More >