Archive for April, 2012

NBA Playoffs Post Season Odds
0In terms of the NBA Playoffs, oddsmakers have already gone to work and picked their favorites. Those teams that they expect have the biggest shot of taking home the championship hardware. Right now, the NBA Playoffs odds are looking favorably at Miami, Oklahoma, and Chicago. Though these teams are More >

PPH Services Open the Flood Gates On Bookie Services
0When PPH services first got their start, the only thing they really dealt in was NFL and college football betting. Times have changed, however, and now more and more sports are immensely popular among bettors. Because of this, these services have expanded their horizons and have added to the More >

Bookies Demand Real Price Per Head Service
0A lot of bookies, especially those who are new to the business, have made the initial mistake of signing up for the cheapest price per head services they could find. Unfortunately, what they usually get when they do this is a poor knockoff of a real price per head service. They get stuck with an More >

Will We Ever See a Triple Crown Winner Again?
0You have to go all the way back to 1978 to find the last Triple Crown winner, a magnificent specimen who went by the name Affirmed. While it’s hard to believe that it has really been that long, many are speculating that it is something that may never happen again. Some believe that the “triple More >

NFL 2012-2013 Predictions: Division Winners
0As all good bettors and bookies know, it is never too early to start making NFL 2012-2013 predictions. Not only is early speculation a lot of fun, but it is also a convenient way for bookmakers to keep their players involved, even when their favorite sport isn’t going on. Plus, it enables you to More >