Archive for March, 2012

Top 5 Baseball Movies

Top 5 Baseball Movies of All Time


Most people like to watch movies that they can relate to, movies that are relevant to their real lives. Well for gamblers and bookies who engage in the baseball betting, baseball movies certainly take the cake, and for obvious reasons. If you fall into one of these categories and just happen to More >

Sharp Lines

Is Your Price Per Head Service Dealing a Sharp Line?


When it comes to doing business in the bookmaking industry the one thing that is always front and center in the minds of every bookie is maintaining sharp lines. They all know that when their betting lines are sharp you turn a bigger profit. When they aren’t, you lose money and then some. It’s More >

Steroids In Sports

Steroids: Just Let Them Play


For most of the modern era, steroids in sports have been a big no no. Athletes who are caught using any kind of sports performance enhancers are subject to severe punishments, with many an athlete losing his or her career as a result. While many easily see the dangers of steroids and are glad for More >

Price Per Head Referral

Price Per Head Bookies Referring New Bookies Earn Big Benefits


A lot of price per head bookies do not realize that they could actually be getting even more little “extras” from their PPH companies. A lot of these companies offer special bonuses for various reasons, referrals being one of the main ones. In fact it is one of the more popular bonuses given on a More >

Price Per Head Call Centers

Price Per Head Sports Betting Call Centers


Price per head sports betting call centers have revolutionized the way that many bookmakers do business. In the “good old days” bookies played a delicate game of cat and mouse with their local authorities. The bookie would set up a call center in their area where players could call in and make More >

The Triple Crown is a Great Opportunity for Bookmakers

The Triple Crown is a Great Opportunity for Bookmakers


Every bookie in the sports betting business faces the same problem, year in and year out. How do I keep my players active after the football season is finished? When the bowl games are done and the Super Bowl dust has settled bookies are faced with the inevitable drop off in player activity which More >

Becoming a Bookmaking Agent

Tips on Becoming a Pay Per Player Bookmaking Agent


If you are thinking about becoming a bookie, then you should know that there has never been a better time to enter into this thriving industry. Thanks to all of the top notch pay per player services available today, becoming a bookmaking agent and making a lot of money doing so has never been More >

Bookies Money Opportunities

Pay Per Head Services Offer Bookies Endless Money Making Opportunities


There is no doubt that bookies who utilize pay per head services make a lot more money these days than ones that don’t. The main reason for this is the top of the line sportsbook software, which at the click of a mouse gives bookies all the bells and whistles of a full blown Las Vegas sportsbook. More >

Cost Per Head Bookmaking

Finding a Good Cost Per Head Bookmaking Service


Making it as a bookmaker without the right cost per head service can be next to impossible, but having bookie services in place doesn’t always mean your life or your business is going to be any better or easier. In fact, if you choose the wrong sports betting service, you could actually experience More >

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